All Photographs: Wyoming; Letchworth State Park, New York; Hawks Nest, West Virginia

Wampum Belt Archive


Iroquois-French Peace Belt

NMAI 03/1901


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Rows: 14. Length: ?








Described by Thomas R. Roddy (In Beauchamp, 101), perhaps erroneously as a Iroquois-French Peace Belt which may be as old as 200 years.

Stolle, Nickolaus (2016)

Purchased by Thomas R. Roddy from James Jamieson, Cayuga chief in 1899, repatriated to the Haudenosaunee Council in 1988.


Beauchamp, 1901, p. 423.

Stolle, Nickolaus. 2016. Talking Beads: The history of wampum as a value and knowledge bearer, from its very first beginnings until today. Hamburg, Germany. ISSN 1437-7837